Everything to Know About Windsock Flags

23:18 Aerosock 0 Comments

A windsock is a kind of balloon that is used to gauge the direction and speed of the air. It is often seen at airports, oil fields and chemical plants. If you have seen one, you should know that it determines the direction of the wind. However, windsocks are still an enigma for some people. To those people, here is a quick introduction of the windsock:

The use of windsock can be dated back to 100 A.D when the Romans used them to represent their army. However, the more contemporary form of windsocks is related to the Japanese and Chinese cultures where they were used to celebrate Children’s Day and were called koi noburi. The Japanese and Chinese used to place these flags on a bamboo pole. Each windsock hanged on the pole represents a member of the family.

Common Sights
Orange windsocks are often sighted at seaports, mountain roads and airports. They are a great help for hikers and sailors and help them determine air directions while navigating a route. In addition, they are used in oil and chemical fields to assess the chemical hazards of the site in case of a gaseous leakage.

Gauging the Direction of Wind
The most common use of windsock involves measuring the direction of wind. The direction is determined by the narrower point. For example, if the end point is towards the north, the wind comes from the south.

Determining the Speed of Wind
There are two common types of windsock: (1) Aviation windsock and (2) Marine windsock. They are used at airport and seaports to calculate the wind speed. They are attached to a windsock pole against the direction of the wind. When the wind blows through it, the angle that the windsock is attached to determines the speed of air.

These are some of the things you should know about windsocks,

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