The Purpose of Airport Windsocks

04:03 Aerosock 0 Comments

While traveling via your local airport, you may have seen a humungous sock dangling several feet in the air. Ever wondered what it really was and what purpose it serves? Well, for starters, these structures are known as airport windsocks. They are also known as wind cones in some places. As for the purpose of airport windsocks, these include the following.

Wind Direction
One of the main purposes of placing a windsock at the airport’s landing area is to give pilots an indication of the wind direction, which is vital for proper landing. A windsock has a wide end (opening) and a narrow end (point). So when the wind blows, it enters through the wide end and propels the point of the sock in the direction of the wind. This way, the pilot gets to know exactly which direction the breeze is blowing in.

Wind Velocity
The second main function of airport windsocks is to measure the speed of the wind. The sock is attached to a metal pole in a lofty position so that it can move freely with the wind. The pilots judge the wind speed by looking at how inflated the sock is. For example, if it is fully inflated, i.e. the opening parallel to the point, the wind velocity is round about 17 mph.

Some windsocks also have an illumination system. This is particularly useful in stormy and obscure weather conditions because it prevents pilots from flying planes below safety levels.

These are the main purposes of windsocks in airports, but they are just as useful at your home or factory.

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