Orange Windsocks: Affordable for All

Orange Windsocks: Affordable for All

As one of the most used items of its category, orange windsocks tend to be a great choice for all. As such, many interested tend to consider windsocks as expensive. Yet, fact is that such socks are priced in a manner that is affordable for all.  Accordingly, here is the price ranges associated with different sizes of an orange windsock: • Size 6” X 24” – come at a price range between $15Read More0 Comments

Windsocks and Their Industrial Uses

Windsocks and Their Industrial Uses

Windsocks are the cheapest and easiest way to find out the direction of the wind and its general speed. The conical shaped tube (resembling a sock, thus its name) is designed using metal frames and nylon clothing. It is usually made up of nylon because of its advantages of being lightweight and responsive to the slightest pressure, which makes it great for measuring the speed and direction of the wind. It resists theRead More0 Comments

Windsocks by Aerosock

Windsocks by Aerosock

When purchasing a windsock, the most important thing to pay attention to is the manufacturer and the amount of time that has passed since the manufacturer produced its first windsock. It is always beneficial to find out beforehand how long a manufacturer has been producing windsocks since this is what marks the company and the quality of the product it provides to customers.                                  One ofRead More0 Comments

Alternate Uses of a Windsock

Alternate Uses of a Windsock

Apart from being a reliable source of information about wind patterns, you may have wondered about its alternate applications. These cone shaped tubes are made from brightly colored synthetic materials which are fully capable of withstanding high speed winds. You will mostly find them in airports or at private landing areas.  Some of its alternate uses include the following.   Windsocks are also popularly used at chemical factories. Chemical plants with a riskRead More0 Comments

Everything to Know About Windsock Flags

Everything to Know About Windsock Flags

A windsock is a kind of balloon that is used to gauge the direction and speed of the air. It is often seen at airports, oil fields and chemical plants. If you have seen one, you should know that it determines the direction of the wind. However, windsocks are still an enigma for some people. To those people, here is a quick introduction of the windsock: Background The use of windsock can beRead More0 Comments

The Purpose of Airport Windsocks

The Purpose of Airport Windsocks

While traveling via your local airport, you may have seen a humungous sock dangling several feet in the air. Ever wondered what it really was and what purpose it serves? Well, for starters, these structures are known as airport windsocks. They are also known as wind cones in some places. As for the purpose of airport windsocks, these include the following. Wind Direction One of the main purposes of placing a windsock atRead More0 Comments

Tips for Setting Up a Windsock

Tips for Setting Up a Windsock

Windsocks are one of the most useful tools for determining the wind direction and speed. It facilitates motorists and pilots in knowing where the wind in is heading from and at which pace, so as to ensure maximum safety. That being said, it’s not all that difficult to set up one. You just have to keep a few things in mind (mentioned below) while installing one, in order to ensure the precise measurementsRead More0 Comments